Benefits and Contraindications of Massage

Benefits and Contraindications of Massage

Massage is a form of physical therapy whereby the various soft tissues of the body are gently worked in order to relieve stress and pain. Most often, the practitioner will employ their elbows, hands, knees, or forearms to massage. The benefits and contraindications of massage will be discussed in the post below. Be aware of the essentials about massage prior to planning to get one.


There are several different massage techniques. You may choose to utilize Swedish techniques or one of the many different styles. The techniques are all designed to alleviate muscle tension as well as increase circulation. Five different movements form the foundation of Swedish massage. Effleurage is just one of the five basic movements in Swedish massage. It literally translates to "light contact" (in French).

Another popular massage technique includes trigger point therapies, that works on the body's fascia in order to relieve the tension and pain. This technique is great for those who suffer from repetitive or cumulative injuries on their muscles. This type of massage is based on the idea that muscles with restricted movement are a source of pain for other parts of the body. Practitioners make use of "hook" moves as well as pressing techniques to focus on certain muscles. Benefits include increased mobility, reduced pain, and less strain.

The massage therapist will adjust the pressure and speed of the massage to suit the clients' preferences. The therapist should start by applying gentle pressure to the skin and then gradually increasing the pressure as.


If you're considering getting massage therapy, make sure you ask about any contraindications. The reasons to avoid massage could include various medical issues, but are important to take into consideration prior to starting an appointment for massage. It could be a case of certain types of cancer , or heart disease. Before you perform massages the therapist must be able to answer these questions.

Although massages are generally secure for most people, certain conditions may interfere when it comes to massage. The presence of pre-existing health conditions and medication are just two instances. Chronic illnesses, skin conditions and trauma injuries are all prohibited. If you're dealing with one of these issues it is crucial to contact your oncologist and discuss any potential dangers.

Massages should be avoided during pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage during the first trimester can be high. Even though massage doesn't trigger miscarriage due to abdominal massage or acupressure points stimulation, you shouldn't use it at this time. At 12 weeks women may still benefit from massage.

How do I get a massage?

If you've never been to an experience with a massage, it could seem like a daunting process. Massage is a great way to relieve anxiety and thoughts of negative. Massage can improve your general health. But before you go and set up an appointment, be sure to be aware of how you can get the best massage. The massage therapist is educated to use techniques to make you feel comfortable. They are also able to adapt the pressure according to various body parts and will adjust their methods accordingly.

Generally speaking, massage therapy takes about an hour. To receive a massage, you must be present about 10 to 15 minutes prior to the time the massage session starts. It is then possible to relax while you shower. It is also beneficial to take a glass of water prior to. In the event that you do not, you will be dehydrated and have short breaths and a racing heart and make it challenging to take a break and relax during the massage.

Massages are beneficial for the immune system. They increase circulation as well as flush out any antigens that are in the body. In addition, massage helps people sleep better. Massages are proven to enhance sleep and stress reduction.